

Supporting Those in Need

Food Pantry: is available to all registered parishioners and community members. The pantry runs the 2nd Tuesday from 4 - 5:30pm and 2nd Thursday from 10 - 11:30am every month. Please contact the Parish Office if you need additional information or to register.

Food Pantry Resource List
Food Pantry Information

Giving Tree: 
The Holy Family Giving Tree is an annual tradition in December that provides Christmas gifts to local families in need at Christmas time. Watch for more information in the bulletin and in the narthex when the tree goes up in December.

Thanksgiving Meals for those in need: Gift cards are purchased for those in need that would like to prepare a Thanksgiving meal at home. Cards and desserts that we purchase will be distributed to those in need the week of November 8. If you know of a family in need of food or a Thanksgiving gift card please contact the Parish Office. All requests are kept confidential.

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