


Through the Sacrament of Confirmation, Catholics receive a special outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which strengthen us in our ability to follow Christ and to live as faithful disciples.

Confirmation (why we confirm)

In the Diocese of Grand Rapids, outside of OCIA, Confirmation is received in 8th grade. We offer a 2-year Confirmation prep course for our youth. For more information or to register contact Emily Finley.

Sacrament of Confirmation for HS or Adult or Not Baptized or Baptized in another faith
Many adults and high school students have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation (completed their Christian Initiation). This could be for variety of reasons. Or you may not have been baptized or possibly you were baptized in another faith. We would love to help you complete your initiation into the Catholic Church. Please contact the 
Parish Office to learn more. More Information 

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