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Adult Discipleship

A disciple is someone who has made the decision to give his or her life over to Jesus and seeks to imitate Him by fulfilling the greatest two commandments (to love God totally and one's neighbor as self), taking up one's cross, and making disciples of others by leading them to Jesus.

Adult Discipleship at Holy Family exists to provide lifelong Catholic learning and faith development opportunities to assist everyone to become disciples of Jesus Christ. This task of disciple-making involves creating opportunities for people to encounter Jesus (evangelization), to learn what the Catholic Church teaches (catechesis), to discover how to live the faith in their daily lives (discipleship) and equip all to share the Good News of the Gospel with others (missionary action).

We hope to accomplish our goals through the various ministries and events that we offer as part of our Discipleship programs and opportunities offered at Holy Family. Throughout the year, we will offer several opportunities for adults in our Parish to grow spiritually through our many groups and parish memberships. Please contact Lori Pieri with any of your Discipleship questions, suggestions, or for more information about our ongoing groups!

Ongoing Opportunities / Resources - Join Anytime

  • Brewing the Faith

    Attention Men!  All are invited to join us at the Holy Family fire pit (located by the paper gator) for a cold beverage as we kick off summer and explore our faith.  This program is available in the summer months.  Watch the bulletin for more details.  Beer, soda, water, snacks are provided.  Contact Lori Pieri for more information.

  • Blessed is She

    Blessed is She (BIS) Women's Ministry meets multiple times a month.  You are invited to gather with women of the parish as we reset and focus on the most important thing, our relationship with God.  Below are BIS opportunties.

    Holy Hour (for women): Each month we host a Holy Hour which consists of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, prayer, praise and worship, and sacred silence.  At the conclusion of Holy Hour, we gather inside or at the fire fit for fellowship with desserts and beverages.  Holy Hour days vary each month to allow for diverse schedules of our parishioners.  See bulletin for updates. Remaining dates for 2022: Oct. 10, Nov. 17, & Dec. 5.

    Advent and Lenten Devotional Studies: During each Advent and Lenten season, we meet weekly to discuss the BIS devotional which helps to lead us closer to Christ during these seasons.  Watch the bulletin for more information. 

    Contact Lori Pieri with any questions with Blessed is She.


    Watch, listen, and read. Anywhere, anytime.

    FORMED is an online service for accessing thousands of Catholic videos, audios, and eBooks on-demand anytime, anywhere! As a member, you will have access to entertaining movies, inspiring audio talks, informative Bible studies, and much more. We are providing this resource FREE of charge to help our members learn and grow in their faith. Be sure to download the free iOS or Android app to put FORMED at your fingertips.  Contact Lori Pieri with any questions. To register go to FORMED and search 49316 and select Holy Family.

  • LANE

    Get a FREE LANE Digital Passport Through Our Parish

    Holy Family Parish is partnering with LANE for our Adult Discipleship program.  With your FREE Digital passport, you'll gain access to a full year of online and in-person classes and other educational resources for the whole family.  These will include seasonal devotions, stories of the saints, strategies for incorporating the sacraments into your family life, and Growing Families Through the Mass, a sixteen-session video series.  See upcoming adult classes and other resources below.  For aditional information contact Lori Pieri.

    1. Go to LANE and click "subscribe now" button.

    2.  Create an account, then scroll down and click "Begin your free trial" button for 365 days of FREE access.

    3.  Now you can begin learning! Browse upcoming and archived LANE classes and family resources.

  • Lighthouse Kiosk

    Located in the narthex, the kiosk provides a selection of CDs, DVDs, books and booklets that promote the Catholic faith for a small donation of $3 to $5.  Pick something up for yourself or for someone else. This valuable tool is available everyday.  Contact Lori Pieri for any questions.

  • Parish Library

    Holy Family offers great resources that are consistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church to help expand our knowledge.  Located down the first hallway on the left just beyond the parish offices, you can stop by most anytime the church is open to browse our selection and check out a title at no cost.  Please return all borrowed materials within 30 days.

  • Scripture Bible Study

    Each week we gather to grow in our understanding of the sacred Scriptures in preparation for our Sunday worship.  We invite you to allow the Father to guide you, the Son to extend his love to you, and the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart and mind. Going to Mass on Sunday may never the same again, as you will hear the Sunday readings in a much more personal way. Join us as your schedule allows on Wednesdays 10-11am in St. Mary's Hall.  Contact Lori Pieri for more information.

  • That Man is You

    That Man is You honestly addresses the pressures and tempations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers.  The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. 

    Independant research from a Faith Advisor to the Gallup Poll reveals That Man is You to be one of the most life-transforming programs ever studied.  True to its stated goals, this transformation is most profoundly seen in marriage and family life, men's issues including pornography and balancing work demands, and a greater participation in parish life. 

    Meetings are held Wednesday mornings from 6:15-7:15am in St. Mary's Hall during the months of September-early April. For more information contact Lori Pieri.


  • On-Line Resources
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