

Social Events

Holy Family hosts a variety of Social Events throughout the year. Listed below is just a short list of what we have planned. Any questions or if you would like to help with any of the events contact Karen Polak.

Parish Picnic:
Our parish picnic is a very large potluck! Come enjoy the many tasty recipes from your fellow parishioners at this fun gathering. There will be something for everyone; music, games, entertainment etc. A great way to get to know your fellow parishioners. Event is typically in August after the 11am Mass. Watch bulleting for more info.

Christmas Extravaganza:
This annual event is a combination of the children’s Christmas Pageant, parish dinner and Christmas caroling. This is a great way to celebrate Advent. Date will be provided in bulletin.

Parish Appreciation Celebration (Mardi Gras Theme):
This annual event is a great way to begin the Lenten season. Join us for a dinner, dancing, and fun evening for all ages. Event is the Saturday before Lent begins. Watch the bulletin for more info.

Fundraising Event for Humanitarian Causes:
This event takes place each spring to raise funds to help with our Habitat for Humanity Project. Watch the bulletin and newsletter for details!

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