Come, share your musical interest and talent with the Parish; individuals of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to participate! Check out the many opportunities below and feel free to contact Sheryl Moon, the Director of Sacred Music, following a regular weekend Mass, at the Parish Office 616-891-9259, or via email to ask a question, volunteer, or have your name added to a contact list. All are welcome!
The Adult Choir leads the assembly in faith-filled song and worship, enhancing the Mass with traditional and contemporary choral pieces. The choir rotates weekly between all weekend Masses and prepares additional music for Christmas and Holy Week Masses. We rehearse weekly on Tuesday evenings (6:30-7:45pm, September–April) in the Music Room. Members are men and women from various musical backgrounds, a wide variety of professions, and of all ages. High school students are welcome! Join at any time throughout the year.
We are blessed here at Holy Family to have Cantors of all ages! As a Cantor you must be comfortable singing in front of a large group, appreciate the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God, have a coachable spirit, and be willing to prepare independently. Cantors sing alone when singing the Responsorial Psalm, the Gospel Acclamation and verse, and occasionally a hymn or prepared solo piece. Training and mentoring are provided. Cantors are typically scheduled once per month based on availability. If you are interested in being a cantor, please contact Sheryl Moon. We are always looking for new voices!
This unique choir provides music for all Parish funerals, ministering to families who are experiencing a need of comfort and peace, and sings for the Mass on All Saints Day. We rehearse the hour prior to the funeral liturgy (typically weekday mornings). This is a very flexible group. Individuals are notified when there is a funeral and sing as their schedule allows.
This group provides an opportunity to sing for young women third grade and older; middle school, high school, and young professional women are also a part of this group. This choir rehearses one hour prior to their scheduled Mass. This is a group where young voices can use their gift of music to share the love of Christ with our Parish family. This ensemble sings five times between the months of October and April.
Our handbell ringers enhance the music for Advent and Easter season liturgies and rehearse on Monday evenings. This group requires a commitment to weekly rehearsals. We are willing to train and teach all skill levels of interested adults.
The addition of instruments greatly enhances the beauty of our liturgical song. We are always looking for intermediate to advanced piano, brass, woodwind, and string players who are willing to prepare music for liturgical seasons and weekend masses. Instrumentalists rehearse with ensembles on an as needed basis.
Our Projection Crew volunteers are essential to helping us sing as an assembly. This is an important and easy way to volunteer. For every weekend Mass, we need one person to run the computer for the slides that appear on the screens for all hymns. This ministry is open to students 4th grade or older. Many families take on this ministry together. Each volunteer is assigned one weekend Mass per month.
Four times a year the music ministry takes our singing into the community on a Sunday afternoon. In December we head out for Christmas Caroling to our homebound Parishioners. January, February, and March find us at local facilities serving the elderly. Have your name added to the contact list for one or all of these opportunities.