

Funeral Information

Please notify the parish office to let us know when a loved one dies. Also contact the Funeral Home through which you plan to make arrangements. The Funeral Director will work with the parish office to coordinate service dates and times that accommodate both the grieving family and the parish. 

  • Cemeteries

    As Catholics, we are called to bury our loved ones in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church as a corporal work of mercy. We also pray for our beloved dead as prescribed in the Spiritual work of mercy to pray for the living and the dead. Our cemeteries assist in living out these Catholic obligations as we uphold the sacredness of the human body, belief in the resurrection of the body and everlasting life.

    As a result of the three churches coming together as one to form Holy Family, we have three cemeteries that are maintained and managed by Holy Family.  The three cemetaries are: St. Mary’s Cemetery located on Kraft Ave. near the airport, St. Patrick Cemetery located on 92nd St. just east of Saskatoon Golf Course, and St. Joseph Cemetery located on the corner of Patterson Ave. and 146th Ave.

    If you are interested in purchasing a plot or have any questions please contact the parish office.

  • Cremation

    Catholics may be cremated, but in reverence for the dignity and sanctity of the human body, ashes of our departed loved ones should be honored by burial or entombment, not scattered at sea, kept in urns at home, divided and distributed among siblings, incorporated into jewelry or artwork, etc.  According to guidelines from the Vatican's doctrinal office, cremated remains should be kept in a "sacred place" such as a church cemetery.  Ideally, cremation takes place following the Funeral Mass. This allows for the appropriate reverence for the sacredness of the body during the Funeral Mass: sprinkling with holy water, the placing of the pall, and honoring it with incense. 

  • Eulogies

    A eulogy is a tribute that recalls the life and character of the deceased.  Since the intention of the Funeral Mass is to pray for the deceased and to commend his or her soul to the Mercy of God, we encourage eulogies to take place when family and friends are gathered at the Funeral Home or during the luncheon, rather than during the Funeral Mass itself. These are more appropriate settings for eulogies, and allow for others to share sentiments and stories as well.

  • Luncheon

    Parishioners:  Funeral luncheons are offered as a pastoral service to families where the deceased or family of the deceased are registered, active parishioners of Holy Family Catholic Parish. A minimal fee per person is requested to help the parish provide the luncheon.

    Non-Parishioners:  Non-parishioner families are welcome to rent a space for a funeral luncheon, providing space is available on the given day ($100 fee).  The family arranges for their own food and is responsible for clean-up afterward.

  • Pre-arrangements for Funeral

    It is not unusual for individuals to pre-arrange funerals for themselves or for loved ones, whether healthy or near death. Pre-planning helps alleviate financial and emotional burden for surviving family members, provides a plan for those who may not have family members to tend to details of the funeral in the future, and gives individuals peace of mind knowing their funeral plans will take place according to their wishes.

    If you are interested in pre-arrangements for a funeral at Holy Family Catholic Parish, please email Barbara Dombroski.

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