Holy Family Pastoral Care is here to help with visiting, counseling, or otherwise helping our Parish Community who are experiencing a difficult time with a focus on healing, reconciling, guiding and sustaining. This includes counseling and prayer. It also includes assisting families with funeral planning and reception needs. Pastoral Care is provided through a number of different ways - through visitation with Fr. Mike, Phyllis Powers-Fata or with Barb Dombroski. Often times it may also be with fellow parishioners who serve as volunteers in our pastoral care ministries.
A Catholic declaration of nullity, commonly referred to as an “annulment”, is a difficult issue for many Catholics. It is also widely misunderstood both by the Catholic faithful and those outside of the Church. The process often looks and feels like it is juridical and yet most of those who go through the process report how it has brought closure and a sense of peace. It is our hope that through the questions and answers below that the divorced reader is both informed and encouraged to participate in this healing process concerning a difficult time in their life. It is important to note that each Diocese has its own set of processes and guidelines.
How do I get started?
If you are a parishioner of Holy Family, contact Phyllis Powers-Fata for an appointment with a procurator/advocate to discuss the annulment process.
Communion to the Homebound
When parishioners are unable to attend Mass due to illness, aging or living situations, arrangements can be made for parish ministers to bring Holy Communion to them. These visits help our homebound parishioners remain connected with the sacramental life of our Faith community. For more information on receiving Holy Communion at home, please contact Phyllis Powers-Fata in the parish office.
Caring for our Homebound
Holy Family provides baskets, cards, and gifts to our homebound throughout the year. Many of these are delivered during the holiday seasons. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact Phyllis Powers-Fata.
Meals to the Sick
We are happy to help take care of the sick in our Parish by providing meals as needed. If you or someone you know has a need please contact Phyllis Powers-Fata and we will make arrangments. If you are interested in volunteering to help provide meals please let us know.
Difficult Times in Marriage & Struggling Marriages
Holy Family is here for you as you navigate the seasons or difficulties of your marriage. Please contact the Phyllis Powers-Fata if you would like to discuss resources, get referrals to competent Catholic therapists we trust, or have questions.
Take Them A Meal - Meal Ministry
Our parish brings meals to parishioners in their time of need. This might be while a family is experiencing a death in the family, post-surgery when the extra help could make a lot of difference, after a new baby in the family, after a death of a loved one, and a number of other times. This ministry extends the loving care of Christ to our parishioners. Please contact Phyllis Powers-Fata, if you know of a parishioner or family who are going through a time where meals would help them during a stressful or difficult time.
Meal-makers are needed. You will be notified of an opportunity for meals and given instructions on delivery address, time to deliver, food allergies, etc., and then can sign up for a meal. If you would like to be put on the notification list, please contact Phyllis Powers-Fata.
Care and the love of knitting (and crochet) are combined into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. Many blessings are knitted into each shawl, as the knitter prays for the recipient throughout the creation of the shawl. A Holy Family medal and prayer is attached to each prayer shawl before being sent along the way to the recipient. The prayer shawls wrap, envelope, warm, shelter, comfort, hug, embrace, uplift and hold the person in need. Some uses for the prayer shawl include:comfort after a loss, during bereavement, undergoing serious medical procedures, battling cancer or illness, during separation and divorce, when fighting serious addictions, and other times that we need to be covered and held in prayer.
Knitters are needed as this ministry expands further in our parish effort to continue to care for one another and share the loving embrace of Christ. Please contact Phyllis Powers-Fata if you know of a person in need of the care of a prayer shawl or if you would like to help out. A pattern/directions and the prayer are provided.
Welcoming Ministry
Holy Family welcomes new parishioners over the first year of becoming parishioners. We do this in a number of ways, from welcome weekends, welcome baskets, phone calls, and connecting to ministries and stewardship.
Nametag Weekend ::: Welcome Weekend
We have Nametag Weekends/Welcome Weekends each month. Please join in by filling out a nametag for everyone in your family so we can continue to get to know one another beyond recognizing faces, help Fr. cement our names into his memory bank as he is still learning names too, and help our new parishioners get to know our parish family by name. Jesus calls us to know one another as the Body of Christ so that we may care for one another and serve one another.
If you are a new parishioner, you will be contacted by our office to arrange for your welcome at Mass with a basket of goodies. If you would like to help with this ministry contact the Parish Office.